Elective courses:
Instrumentationtechnology design methodology,
Online and distance education,
Instructional theory 2,
Instructional design,
Instructional skills,
Principles for the design of self-instruction,
Test design,
Public relations and information. (All Courses)
Oct. 2001 - now: Elka Remmers Consulting (see more at Projects)
Nov. 2000 & Feb.-Apr. 2001: Online learning consultant for Uni-u. Activities: evaluation and selection of a learning management system (e.g. BlackBoard and WebCT), development of didactical guidelines for creating online courses.
Sept. 2000 - July 2001: Travel (Malawi, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia)
Feb. 1998 - July 2000: Telelearning design consultant for the project TeleTOP at the faculty of
Educational Science and Technology of the University of Twente (UT). Activities: design of parts of TeleTOP, training instructors in re-designing their courses, implementing the system at other faculties of the UT, member of the digital portfolio workgroup, evaluation of the TeleTOP system and the online courses.
Oct. 1996 - Feb. 1997: Freelance educational designer for
FSR opleidingsgroep (U&I Learning).
Activities: development of course material for office automation software.
Aug. 1995 - Apr. 1996: Editor and editor-in-chief of the column:
In de klas van....
A column (written in Dutch) about 'Information Technology in education'
published in the monthly electronic magazine called 'eZONE'.
Jan. 1996 - Feb. 1996: Editor of the column:
A column (written in Dutch) about 'Information Technology,
published in the weekly newspaper of the University of Twente called
Kamp van de, I., Remmers, E. & Sysling, M. (2000). Teleleren in de praktijk(pdf-file). University of Twente, Internal Report.